Yeah Yeah Yeahs Cool It Down Vinyl LP Indies Blue And Red Splatter Colour 2022
Indie Exclusive Blue and Red Splatter Colour Vinyl
1. Spitting Off the Edge of the World (feat. Perfume Genius)
2. Lovebomb
3. Wolf
4. Fleez
5. Burning
6. Blacktop
7. Different Today
8. Mars
It could only be called alchemy, the transformative magic that happens during the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' most tuned-in momemnts in the studio, when their unique chemistry sparks an open portal, and out comes a song like "Maps" or "Zero" of the latest addition to their canon, "Spitting off the Edge of the World" (featuring Perfume Genius) - an epic shot-to-the-heart of pure YYYs beauty of power.
A thunderstorm of a return is what the legendary trio has in store for us on Cool It Down, their fifth studio album and their first since 2013's Mosquito. The eight-track collection, bound to be a landmark in their catalog, is an expert distillation of their best gifts that impels you to move, cry and listen closely.